There are a lot of people that believe that low-cost software and apps can take the place of human work. They do it quicker, cheaper and there is no fuss. So why not use them right, wrong? They are extremely inaccurate and not always reliable which could cost you a lot in the long run. Software and apps can’t tell the difference in tone between ‘yes?’, ‘yes’, and ‘yes!’ but this difference can be vital. It is a long time off before machines can do that and until certain jobs are just done better by humans.
There are several fields that require accurate transcriptions and only a professional transcription service can provide that. Here are a few of the fields that use transcription companies.
The Law
For many parts of the legal system, the need for a legal transcription service is needed. Court cases are recorded but they still need to be transcribed so each party can go back over what was said. Interviews with witnesses and suspects are another area where accurate transcripts are required. They show the tone or inference as well as the words spoken along with unspoken pauses or hesitations.
The Medical Profession
Health care professionals, hospitals, doctors all use medical transcription services for their patients’ care, consults, medical research, and focus groups. This is a field where the exact account of what is said is so fundamental to the correct care.
Here again, it is very important for successful business market research to be transcribed. A transcription company like ATServices can play a big part in capturing customer remarks and interviews about products. It is useful to have an account of meetings and seminars in order for research to be valid.
Science Fields
Research is done every day in science fields and the need for material that needs to be transcribed is growing. Sources from private research to major conferences use transcripts and accuracy is critical as minor mistakes could lead to disastrous consequences.
This is another sector that uses transcription services in many ways. It could be to create a copy of an interview, a journalist who recorded notes and they need this information to be transcribed as precise records of the events.
No matter which field it is, if something requires to be transcribed it is worth doing well and that means using a transcription service with trained humans with experience to do the work. This gives you quality work with accuracy to simply can’t get by any other means.